Living In India

Can you return the fame too?

by Sahadev Komaragiri

Intolerance2I am trying hard to take my mind off of the current national debate on the “rising intolerance in India”, but in vain. I am deeply distressed by the returning of awards by eminent artists and writers in protest again the rising intolerance. In over 68 years of its independence India has not seen a farce bigger than this. Intellectual dishonesty of such mighty Himalayan proportions?

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Traveling in India

by Sahadev Komaragiri

Driving in India (Part 1 and Part 2), as I wrote earlier, is a little tricky, but I must confess traveling is pure pleasure. I have traveled by road, rail and air in India, but clearly rail travel is the one I enjoyed the most. When you travel by rail, a mini-India travels with you. You do not have to engage them, but just being with them makes you experience life in India in a miniature fashion.
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Meeting Amazing People – Part 2

by Sahadev Komaragiri

SmilIt is said that “God gets amazing things done by those who do not care about who gets the credit”.  I had an opportunity to meet some of the best people and I consider myself blessed to know them and in some cases associate myself with them and their causes. All these people are indeed doing some amazing work and they really do not care about who gets the credit. They only care to see that others enjoy the benefits of their actions. Here are some of the people I worked within the last one year.
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